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Homeschool / home school / h o m e s c h o o l   Dad Reflections


Being a home school dad is a rewarding opportunity. I get to spend most of my days with my happy little kid, who is not so little anymore but rather heading into and through his teen age years. In many cases the parents are the ones who choose to take their children from the school system and teach home school as a preferred way to instruct and mentor. In our case our child was the one who asked and kept on asking if we would teach him school at home. After his regular asking which continued over the years we decided to check into what was needed to educate our child from home.



Each Province, State or Country have different regulations concerning homeschooling so be sure to check out your local region first as you begin your search to find out what exactly is required of you. It would be good to do your research to find any local home school association in your area. The support can help you with any questions you may have. The support group for homeschool students is a great way for your child or children to meet new friends who are in similar situations and it's nice to mingle with parents to find out how others structure their day of learning for school at home. There seems to be a great variety of ways that the different parents stucture their school day. Some seem to have ultra heavy school work loads while others have a very relaxed approach to learning.


Generally the main instructor for home school is the mom but in saying that I have come to find that there are many home school dads connecting via the internet sharing thier day to day experiences.









                       ( Good Info Fact Article:  Best Ways to Save on School Supplies )




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